
Saturday nights are usually busy. But on rare occasions when there are no plans and my wife and son go to sleep early, there is a strange window of quietness in my life.

Last weekend I had one of those special moments, and of course, since I am a big nerd I spent it coding.

A few weeks ago I bumped into an article written by Una Kravets about hacking :visited pseudo class, and I had to try it myself.

The idea is to display an "unread" label to represent links that haven’t been read yet, plus I wanted to add a "new" tag to the newest post and for extra css fun change the text for :hover and :active states.

If you really want to learn this technique, stop reading now, go to Unas posts, enjoy her article and come back. If you are like Bruno and you are here just for the joy of reading my words, then continue reading.


It all starts with Unas code. Since for security reasons :visited is limited to just changing the color, she wisely changes the color of the font to match the background, making it disappear. Pretty nifty.

On my Jekyll HTML I make sure the <a> is around the <h2>.

<ul class="post-list">
  {% for post in site.posts %}
      <a class="post-link" href="{{ post.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">
        <p class="post-meta">{{ | date: "%B %d, %Y" }}</p>
          {{ post.title }}
  {% endfor %}

:visited is where the magic happens

Then on the sass I apply a content for the label after the h2 title, and to make it disappear I set the same colors as the background color on :visited.

  a {
    &:link h2:after {
      //Creates the content of the label
      content: 'unread';
      //Defines color and backgorund color
      color: #fff;
      background: $grey-color;
    &:visited h2:after {
      //Here is where the magic happens, changes the background and color to make it disappear
      color: $background-color;
      background: $background-color; 

CSS fun with :hover and :active

I’ve also added different messages for :hover and :active states

  a {
    &:link h2:after {
      //Creates the content of the label
      content: 'unread';
      //Defines color and backgorund color
      color: #fff;
      background: $grey-color;
    &:hover h2:after {
      content: 'unread, read it!';
    &:active h2:after {
      content: 'click!';
    &:visited h2:after {
      //Here is where the magic happens, changes the backgound and color to make it dessapear
      color: $background-color;
      background: $background-color; 

The new kind on the block

And since the first h2 on the list is the newest post, I tagged it as “new”.

  &:first-child h2 {
    &:after {
      content: "new!";

You can check the complete code here.

Now go and check the homepage to see the result!

One more thing…

On related news, I’ve also added comments to the blog. Not because I expect to get any comment.

I honestly don’t think anyone reads these words, but Jeff Atwood says on his excellent blog that a blog without comments is not a blog.

Now I have a blog. :smile: